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Gramatica Engleza Pdf

(PDF) 31244893-Levitchi-Gramatica-Limbii-Engleze.pdf. Timpurile verbelor in limba engleza. TRECUTUL/ PAST - in limba engleza. Trecutul Simplu/ The Simple Past Tense 1. Actiunea e in trecut; timpul e definit cu exactitate (last week, last month, last year, that day, that week, that year, in 1990, on Thursday, 10 years ago).

Acest curs prezinta Limba Engleza Curs Practic - Nivel Mediu.
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Profesor: Gabriela Dumbrava

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Domeniu: Engleza

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Horace was very proud of his cousin, Mike Aspen, Hollywood’s brightest young star.

Whenever his cousin appeared on the screen, Horace would say, “Isn’t he wonderful? He’s my

cousin, you know ”.

What was worse, Horace was always cutting pictures of his cousin out of movie

magazines and putting them on the kitchen wall. His wife would say, “We used to have a nice

clean wall. Now all I can see is Mike, Mike, Mike!” Then she would walk angrily out of the

kitchen and slam the door behind her.

When Mike’s face used to appear on posters or billboards, Horace would proudly brag

about his cousin’s successful career. “He used to go to Midville High School, you know. We

would always play in the schoolyard together, and we were always getting into trouble together.

I remember how he was always stealing apples from the corner grocery store. He used to be like

a brother to me. We were always missing classes together. What a great guy, a truly great guy.


He was my favorite cousin.”

One day, though, everyone woke up to find the daily newspapers covered with the

headlines, MIKE ASPEN INVOLVED IN GANGLAND KILLING. Reporters went to Horace’s house to

interview him. “Did you and Mike Aspen really use to be like brothers? Is it true you were both

getting in trouble all the time? What kind of trouble? Did you really play in the school yard


/scott-storch-vst-download.html. “Mike Aspen . . . Mike Aspen . . . . , “ he said in a puzzled voice.

“Oh, yes! The actor.” Horace shook his head, “No relation to me. Never met the guy.”


Answer the following questions according to your understanding of the text:

1. Who was Mike Aspen?

2. Why was Horace proud of him?

3. What was Horace always doing?

4. Why was Horace’s wife angry?

5. What school did Horace and his cousin go to?

6. What were they always doing together?

Gramatica Engleza Pdf Online

7. /ultra-mpeg-converter-serial-key.html. What happened one day?

8. What did Horace tell the reporters?

9. Did he tell the truth?


10. What do you think about Horace’s attitude?

Gramatica Engleza Pdf Converter



HABIT IN THE PAST (Exprimarea unei acţiuni obişnuite în trecut)

O acţiune care a avut loc în mod obişnuit în trecut se redă în limba engleză prin una

dintre următoarele trei construcţii gramaticale:

1. Used to

Used + infinitivul lung al verbului se foloseşte în următoarele situaţii:

a. Pentru a reda o acţiune cu caracter de rutină în trecut:

Gramatica Engleza Incepatori Pdf

Exemplu: When I worked on the farm I used to get up at five in the

morning, and I used to eat an enormous breakfast before going out to work.

b. Un obicei din trecut care nu mai există în prezent:

Exemplu: I used to smoke a lot, but I don’t any more.

I used to visit my parents every weekend, but now I see them very

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Petre Andrei University of Iai Faculty of Law

ENGLISH FOR LAW Second Year First Semester

Professor: Roxana Patra, lecturer, BA and MA of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai


Target groups: the students in the 2nd year at the Faculty of Law of Petre Andrei University of Iasi. Aims: to actualize, learn and work with English syntax notions; to integrate and recognize syntactic structures in law phrases and contexts; to form and use orally complex language structures; to discuss and debate over civilization issues such as British/American legal system vs. Romanian legal system, British/American Laws vs. Romanian laws; to comprehend and translate legal texts from and into English. Term Evaluation: the students will submit a term paper (written in English) on a specific legal topic (30%); the students will also get through a term examination which will consist of a fifty-grid test (40%); the students will also get marks for the seminar attendance during the semester (30%). Course Plan: A. Grammar Notions The Types of Sentences and of Clauses; Constructions and Grammatical Functions; The Subject-Predicate Accord; Nouns Phrases vs. Verb Phrases; Question Tags; Collocation; Reported Speech; B. Civilization Notions European/British/ American vs. Romanian Legal System; European/British/American vs. Romanian Civil Codes (Laws on Labour, Family, Propriety, Commerce etc.). C. Appendices Law Terminology; Exercises and Further Practice; English/European vs. Romanian Law Documents.



Michael Brookes, David Holden & Wesley Hutchinson, Engleza pentru juriti, traducere de Cristina Anghel, Bucureti, Teora, 2007; Professional English in Use. Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,; Amy Krois-Lindner & TransLegal, International Legal English. A course for classroom and self-study use, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,; Tom Hutchinson and Allan Waters, English for Specific Purposes. A learningcentered approach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,; Dan Dumitrescu, Dicionar juridic. Englez- Romn / Romn Englez, Bucureti, Akademos Art, 2009; Leon Levichi, Gramatica limbii engleze, Bucureti, Teora, 2010; Lazlo Budai, Gramatica englez. Teorie i exerciii, Bucureti, Teora, 2008; Constantin Paidos, English Grammar. Theory and Practice, ed. a III-a, Iai, Polirom, 2001. Rawdon Wyatt, Check your English Vocabulary for Law, Third Edition, London, A.&C Black, 2006. Andrew Radford, English Syntax: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004. Jong-Bok Kim and Peter Sells, English Syntax: An Introduction, 2007.




A. Introduction The mechanism of the English syntax links words (lexical categories) into syntactic constructions such as phrases, clauses and sentences. A phrase is a sequence of two or more words arranged in a grammatical construction and acting as a unit in a sentence. Any phrase has a head that is the ELEMENT WHICH DETERMINES THE PROPERTIES OF THE WHOLE PHRASE. All elements in a phrase other than the head are dependent on the head, in that they either give additional information about the head, or are included in the phrase because the head requires that they be there There are several types of phrases in English language (noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, prepositional phrase) among whom the most productive are NP and VP. EX: NOUN PHRASES The limited liability (the maximum amount a person participating in a business can lose or be charged in case of claims against the company or its bankruptcy) The identification card (buletin de identitate) The advisory body (comisie consultativa) The articles of incorporation (the basic charter of a corporation which spells out the name, basic purpose, incorporators, amount and types of stock which may be issued, and any special characteristics such as being non-profit) A clause is a syntactic structure containing a subject and a predicate and forming a part of a sentence (subordinate clauses) or constituting a whole simple sentence (main clauses). When included in sentences (subordinate to a main clause), clauses may be complement clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses. a. The relative clauses can be identified by the introductory relative pronouns: 1. who, which and that are the basic relative pronouns, and can (to a certain extent) be used in the same positions. 2. who can be used only with an antecedent referring to a person; which, referring to a thing; that, referring to either person or thing. ('The man who ..'; 'The thing which ..'; 'The man/thing that ..'.) 3. that can be used only in restrictive relative clauses, while who and which can be used in both restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. ('The man that/who ..'; 'The thing that/which ..'; 'My friend, who ..'; 'My car, which ..'.) VERB PHRASES to repeal a law (a abroga o lege)

to move a motion to (a propune o motiune) to put down an amendment (a depune un amendament)


4. whom is a variant of who normally used only in formal English, and only when the antecedent's role in the relative clause is as an object not a subject. ('The man who saw me'; 'The man who/whom I saw'.) 5. However, when a preposition in the relative clause is fronted which normally occurs only in formal English only whom and which can be used. ('The man who/whom/that I spoke to'; formal 'The man to whom I spoke' not *to who or *to that; 'The knife which/that I killed him with'; formal 'The knife with which I killed him' not *with that.) 6. The relative pronoun can also be omitted in many circumstances: Specifically, only in a restrictive relative clause ('The man (who) I saw' vs. 'My friend, who I saw'); not when the antecedent serves the subject role in the relative clause (approximately, when directly followed by a verb, hence 'The man (who) I saw' vs. 'The man who saw me'); not with a fronted preposition in formal English ('The man (who) I spoke to' vs. 'The man to whom I spoke'). 7. whose is different from all the rest in that it indicates that the antecedent has a possessive role in the relative clause. ('The man whose daughter I married'.) Informal English tends to avoid whose. (E.g. in place of 'I found a car whose battery is dead', people may say 'I found this car, and its battery is dead'.) 8. Finally, who, which, whom, whose (and what) also have uses as interrogative pronouns, which are often different from their uses as relative pronouns. ('Who is it?'; 'Which man just arrived?'; 'What is your name?'.) In addition, who and what (along with whoever, whatever, etc.) also have uses as compound relative pronouns. ('I know who/what I like' = 'I know the people/things that I like'; 'What I said is that I'm tired' = 'The thing that I said is that I'm tired'.) Similarly, in other contexts that is also a demonstrative pronoun ('That is correct'), a demonstrative adjective ('That man is my friend') and a complementizer ('I said that my name is John'). b. Unlike a relative clause, which is only part of an argument, a complement clause is itself an argument, i.e. a subject (S/A) or an object (O/E). There are several criteria to distinguish between relative and complement clauses, for example passivization, topicalization, coordination and interrogation. An example of a complement clause is 'that she is beautiful' in the following sentence, that acting as a complementizer: EX: I know that she is beautiful. c. The adverbial clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. There are several kinds of adverbial clauses, according to the meaning of the introductory subordinating conjunction: time clauses, conditional clauses, purpose clauses, reason clauses, result clauses, concessive clauses, place clauses, clauses of manner, clauses of exclamation EX:

MAIN/INDEPENDENT CLAUSES The marriage irretrievably. has broken down



The court and any person shall have regard to the following general principles.

one (or both) of the parties that the maker of the statement (or each of them) believes that the marriage has broken down. RELATIVE CLAUSES This subsection applies if there is a child of the family who is under the age of sixteen. The specified period stops running on the day on which the notice is received by the Court. An order that would cause the transferee financial hardship which is greater than any financial hardship that would be caused to the transferor. ADVERBIAL CLAUSES Reason: The court shall have regard to all the circumstances including whether there is reason to believe that the respondent is aware of the proceedings but is deliberately evading service Time In any other case the relevant time is the time when the action is commenced. Concession Cohabitants are a man and a woman who, although not married to each other, are living together as husband wife. Manner Any statutory instrument made under this Act may contain such incidental, supplemental, consequential and transitional provision as the Lord Chancellor considers appropriate. Condition Where the court has power under this paragraph to remand a person in custody it may, if the remand is for a period not exceeding 3 clear days, commit him to the custody of a constable.

Subsection (4) ceases to apply.

A sentence is a grammatical unit of one or more words, bearing minimal syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it, often preceded and followed in speech by pauses, having one of a small number of


Gramatica Engleza Pdf

characteristic intonation patterns, and typically expressing an independent statement, question, request, command, etc. in a nutshell, the sentence is the maximal grammatical un